We got two emails from Anthony Monday the first one was from last week it just didn't send the first time. He said that he was having a hard time with his faith and he wasn't sure if he was really suppose to be there. He prayed and later at zone conference the first talk was about faith and he felt the spirit so strong that he knew that he was in the right place. He said that him and his companion get along really well and that they are one of the strongest companionship in their district because they have bonded so well and are so much alike. He said that on a average day they are in class for about ten hours a day about three of the ten they have a chance to study anything they want or go work in the referral center where they get to call and make sure that everyone that requested free info about the church got it. Everyone in their zone has to write a talk for church and as soon as the meeting starts and they call on two people to give their talks. He said that is very hard because it has to be all in Spanish. He said that he would rather get yelled at by the crazy old lady on the phone because he asked if she received her Book of Mormon then have to wait and see if he has to give his talk. He said that they are learning Spanish very fast and better then in high school and the teachers are remarkable. He said that he will leave the MTC on December 28Th to go to Chile. He said that he would like everyone to write because it is a great pick me up and it really means a lot to him. Dearelder.com is free and he will get your letter that day. He can get letters everyday but only write on P-days which are Mondays because he is so busy.
"The spirit is so strong here. It is so nice to be able to have all the blessings that i have received in the short time I have been here. Remember to keep the faith and know that God and his son Jesus Christ love each and everyone of you! I love you all and miss you very much! Elder Maxfield
What is the role of a mother in a family?
12 years ago
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