This past little while i have had some great experiences in the RC. I have taught two sisters the first lesson and one brother about prayer. It was amazing. The sister made an appointment to return to talk to me again. Another sister agreed to pray to know if she should join the church. If she receives a yes, she will meet with the missionaries in her area. The brother was held up on one thing. He thought we were racist because we didn't give the priesthood to blacks right away. Once i explained that we aren't of course, he said he would be baptised and has an appointment with the missionaries. Sharing the gospel is an amazing experience. I would strongly recommend that everyone trys to think of someone they know that is not of our faith and pray about it. Think of a way the gospel can bless their lives. Then share that part of the gospel with them and your testimony. It will give you an amazing experience that you will never forget. Even if that person doesn't join the church, the seed will be planted. God will help you.
Remember God loves you and will do anything for you. Remember i love you and that we will be blessed if we desire to share the gospel.
I miss you all and am loving the mission. Write soon,
Elder Anthony Maxfield"
What is the role of a mother in a family?
12 years ago
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