Monday, December 28, 2009

The Phone Call

Anthony called home this afternoon and only got to talk to mom and dad for 3 minutes because there were 40 other missionaries there that wanted to use 6 pay phones with a little amount of time. We were a little bummed out when we didn't get the chance to talk to Anthony but all that matters was that mom got her call. Mom got a letter this morning that said Christmas day was the first day that he has really been home sick so far. He also said that he sent a package home but he doesn't know how long it will take to get here because there were a lot of other elders shipping things home this week. Looking forward to get more letters and updates from Anthony.


Today is the day, Anthony is headed to Chile! From his last letter he said that he would fly to LA and he would be able to call us when he got there. Right now we are waiting for him to call and we are getting very excited. The excitement builds more and more everytime the phone rings and then it is shot down really quick when we see a different number calling. More to come after the phone call.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Man I have been really bad. I haven't updated this in 3 weeks. So I have a lot that I need to catch up on. Anthony said that he has had a lot of people make appointments to meet with full time missionaries after talking to him in the Referral Center. He was also proposed to while he was in the RC. He thought that she was on something at the time and she was a little Crazy! They have been teaching the first two lessons in Spanish and they are finding that it is hard because the Spirit will prompt him to say something but he doesn't know how to say it in Spanish. He decided that he would just follow the promptings of the spirit because there is a reason that the spirit is prompting him. In this weeks letter he said that they have had four full days of Spanish and will have six more before they leave. Monday was the last day that they were able to go to the temple for the next twenty-two months. " It was really awesome and I have enjoyed every chance i had to go, even though it was in Provo." He said that he heard that there is Dear down in Chile so he hopes that everyone will continue to write and show him love and support. "You never know how God will work things out but HE WILL. Trust in him with all your heart. I love you all and miss you lots. Keep up the good work there and I will try my best here." Love Elder Maxfield.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week Four Letter

"It feels like only the other day that I left but it has been 4 weeks. Thank you to everyone that has written. It really is a blessing to get letters from people. Its like caffeine here, everyone wants it so bad and when they get anything like it, it makes them so happy.

This week in the RC a man called me and asked me to tell him a little about the church, as soon i was don talking, the man didn't say a word. At first i was worried that he thought i was crazy or something to that effect. Then he finally spoke and said 'that is exactly what i needed to hear. I have been searching for these answers for quite some time and now i finally have an answer.' I set up a time for the missionaries to meet with him and he was so happy that someone would go to him instead of having to go somewhere. I strongly believe that he will become baptised shortly. It reminded me that we do have the answers to peoples questions. I'm sure that man may know some members of the church, seen the missionaries before, or had some experience of that sort. But nobody had taken the chance to talk to him about the knowledge we have. Instead, this man had to hear about the truthfulness of the restored gospel through a twenty second commerical about the church. I know i have said this before but the gospel really is a blessing in our lives. Lets all make an effort to share it with those around you that need it. Use the power of prayer and the Spirit and they will be receptive to what you have to say. Don't be afraid of loosing a friendship because of sharing the gospel with them. I promise you that they will either accept the gospel or respect you more for sharing what you have grown to love so much.

I love you all and miss you so much. Thanks for your continued support and prayers. I going to try and read the Book of Mormon again before my birthday. (January 27Th) It would be awesome if any of you wanted to join me in this goal and share insights about what you read. Keep the faith, be strong, and know that God loves you, know that I love you. Elder Maxfield"

Spiritually Message 11/22/09

"My message for everyone is simply God knows you all individually. He loves you unconditionally. He hears your prayers. He WILL answer you. All we must do is trust in him and ask! The work has officially begun. I taught a sister in the RC the first lesson. She loved reading what i had to say and soaked up the message like a sponge. We have made time to teach her the next lesson this week. Experiences like that make all the struggle worth it. It is the very best feeling in the world to seea person come unto Christ there is no greater feeling. The church is true. No matter how much people fight against us, the work will continue to progress at speeds never before comprehended. We can all take part in experiencing that marvelous feeling. Every member is a missionary. Take your calling seriously and use the power of God to help you. He will help you. Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Elder Maxfield"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week Three Letter

"This week we have been working hard on learning lesson 2 in English and lesson 1 in Spanish. It is still very hard just to teach lesson 1 in English so we definitely have our work cut out for us. The teachers we have are amazing. They teach us well, the problem is i go to sleep and basically forget everything we learned that day. I am however one of the elders understanding it the best. Its a scary thought that in 6 weeks, i will be in a country where very few will be able to understand English. I have been praying harder then i ever have and i think its apparent why. (continued in the next post)
This past little while i have had some great experiences in the RC. I have taught two sisters the first lesson and one brother about prayer. It was amazing. The sister made an appointment to return to talk to me again. Another sister agreed to pray to know if she should join the church. If she receives a yes, she will meet with the missionaries in her area. The brother was held up on one thing. He thought we were racist because we didn't give the priesthood to blacks right away. Once i explained that we aren't of course, he said he would be baptised and has an appointment with the missionaries. Sharing the gospel is an amazing experience. I would strongly recommend that everyone trys to think of someone they know that is not of our faith and pray about it. Think of a way the gospel can bless their lives. Then share that part of the gospel with them and your testimony. It will give you an amazing experience that you will never forget. Even if that person doesn't join the church, the seed will be planted. God will help you.

Remember God loves you and will do anything for you. Remember i love you and that we will be blessed if we desire to share the gospel.

I miss you all and am loving the mission. Write soon,
Elder Anthony Maxfield"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The First Two Weeks

We got two emails from Anthony Monday the first one was from last week it just didn't send the first time. He said that he was having a hard time with his faith and he wasn't sure if he was really suppose to be there. He prayed and later at zone conference the first talk was about faith and he felt the spirit so strong that he knew that he was in the right place. He said that him and his companion get along really well and that they are one of the strongest companionship in their district because they have bonded so well and are so much alike. He said that on a average day they are in class for about ten hours a day about three of the ten they have a chance to study anything they want or go work in the referral center where they get to call and make sure that everyone that requested free info about the church got it. Everyone in their zone has to write a talk for church and as soon as the meeting starts and they call on two people to give their talks. He said that is very hard because it has to be all in Spanish. He said that he would rather get yelled at by the crazy old lady on the phone because he asked if she received her Book of Mormon then have to wait and see if he has to give his talk. He said that they are learning Spanish very fast and better then in high school and the teachers are remarkable. He said that he will leave the MTC on December 28Th to go to Chile. He said that he would like everyone to write because it is a great pick me up and it really means a lot to him. is free and he will get your letter that day. He can get letters everyday but only write on P-days which are Mondays because he is so busy.

"The spirit is so strong here. It is so nice to be able to have all the blessings that i have received in the short time I have been here. Remember to keep the faith and know that God and his son Jesus Christ love each and everyone of you! I love you all and miss you very much! Elder Maxfield

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Letter Home

Mom got a letter from Anthony on monday letting her know how things are going. He is in a room with three other Elders that are going to Concepcion Chile. His companion is from Provo and it is about three minutes to his house from the MTC! They have started praying in Spanish and they are getting ready to do their first discussion in the morning. He didn't have alot of time to write so it was a very short letter just letting everyone know that he is doing good and is very happy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Anthony before mission

The other day I have decided to start a blog about Anthony and share how he is doing on his mission. ( I will update when he writes) This is the first time doing this so we will see how it goes. Here is a little bit of stuff that happened before Anthony left.

I got married 6 years ago to a non-member and that upset my family a little because they had big dreams for me. October 2007 we moved into our house that is back in the ward that i grew up in with my parents and started going back to church. Justin would go with me every now and then but didn't really care for the church. October 14th 2008 was Morgans birthday Brooke got really sick and could keep anything down for hours so Dad and Anthony gave brooke a blessing that she would get better. A few hours later waiting for the Dr to come in and see her she was able to keep down a drink they gave her and she fell asleep. The Dr couldn't find anything wrong and couldn't explain why she was sick. Justin was a little shocked. The next day Justin told me that he wanted to start taking the discussions. Monday November 17th 2008 was Justins first lesson with the full time Elders in our area and Anthony. Justin was baptized by Anthony on November 29th 2008.

Anthony was a great Missonary before he left on his actual mission and he will be an even better missionary to all the people in Chile. We are all very proud of everything that is doing in serving the lord.