Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anthonys experience during the earthquake.

Hey Everybody

I'm alive. I will now recount the story of the experience.

It was 3:30 in the morning and I was doing what any missionary should be doing: sleeping. Suddenly the bed starts shaking and there is a load rumble. The first thing that crossed my mind is what is this crazy Latin doing now. Then it continued for about 2 minutes or so. I was annoyed and wanted to sleep. We just stayed in bed. Then a few seconds later there was another really small tremor. We then heard a lot of noise out side and went to look. There were people running in the streets and cars leaving like crazy. At that time, we thought something might be going on. Then a firefighter that we taught comes down the street and tells us to stay in the door for the aftershocks. We stayed there for about 3 hours because they never stopped. Eventually I said this is crazy and went back to sleep for a while. When we got up (again) we had sunlight. It wasn't until then that we saw what happened. All of the stuff on the shelves fell to the ground, the fridge moved into the middle of the floor and the table as well. It took almost an hour to clean it all up.

Then not thinking it was anything super serious, we went out in shirt and tie and thought we would work. Then we saw some of the damage and went back to the house, changed our clothes and went around to the members and investigators to do service and make sure they were OK.

Everyone kept saying there would be another one, but it never really came. So that night I was a little worried to sleep because I thought it might come at night, it didn't. Other then that we have just been doing the same thing all week, teaching a little, not doing contacts because nobody will listen and trying to do service.

So I'm sure that you all heard about the robbing that's going on. It's even going on here in tiny Coelemu. They are robbing the houses here during the night because everyone (not including us) is sleeping in tents in the parks and fields. Tuesday night, the people decided to search for the robbers. Apparently the lights that were shining in our windows were for the robbers hiding in our back yard. I'm glad I didn't know that while I was sleeping. When I saw the light it bugged me and I rolled over and went back to sleep.

Then Thursday we were called to go to Tome to help there with the food the Church had sent. Well the buses still aren't running to Tome so we went by "dedo" (we thumbed a ride) that was an interesting experience. Apparently it's not against the law here and a lot of people do it. We were there for two days helping. We moved two shipments of 5.5 tons of food in twenty minutes each. That was cool.

Yesterday we worked almost as if normal. The people here are starting to return to normality and everything is fine. This week, everything should be like it was before, just with a little more service I think.

So really my story is lame, but that's what it is.

I'm fine and don't have a single problem. Thanks for your prayers and support. Love you all.

Elder Maxfield

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eathquake in Chile

As you all know Saturday February 27Th there was an 8.8 earthquake in Chile. We are not exactly sure how close Anthony was to the epicenter. We know that he was too close for comfort. As a family we decided to have a special fast for Anthony and the people of Chile. We are grateful for all our friends and family that took part in the fast with us and for all the prayers and support.
We were told on Sunday that all the missionaries were told by church leaders to call home and let their families know that they are safe. Sunday passed no phone call, Monday came and gone no phone call. Tuesday things started getting harder not knowing how he was. We knew from his letters that he was in a little farm town and from the news that communications were down all over. Wednesday the entire family was having a hard time staying strong. We know that he is in the hands of our Heavenly Father and that he would be safe and protected.
This afternoon Anthony was able to call home. His call wasn't very long but he said that he was safe and everything was fine. He also sent an email letting us all know that he was safe. He said that they are staying Toma in a chapel with other Missionaries and they have been doing nothing but service to help the people of Chile. There is not a lot of damage in Coelemu they just didn't have power until yesterday but they have had food and water.
Anthony is where he needs to be right now. He has a lot of skills and knowledge to help the people of Chile rebuild after the earthquake. Thank you all for you support and prayers.