"It feels like only the other day that I left but it has been 4 weeks. Thank you to everyone that has written. It really is a blessing to get letters from people. Its like caffeine here, everyone wants it so bad and when they get anything like it, it makes them so happy.
This week in the RC a man called me and asked me to tell him a little about the church, as soon i was don talking, the man didn't say a word. At first i was worried that he thought i was crazy or something to that effect. Then he finally spoke and said 'that is exactly what i needed to hear. I have been searching for these answers for quite some time and now i finally have an answer.' I set up a time for the missionaries to meet with him and he was so happy that someone would go to him instead of having to go somewhere. I strongly believe that he will become baptised shortly. It reminded me that we do have the answers to peoples questions. I'm sure that man may know some members of the church, seen the missionaries before, or had some experience of that sort. But nobody had taken the chance to talk to him about the knowledge we have. Instead, this man had to hear about the truthfulness of the restored gospel through a twenty second commerical about the church. I know i have said this before but the gospel really is a blessing in our lives. Lets all make an effort to share it with those around you that need it. Use the power of prayer and the Spirit and they will be receptive to what you have to say. Don't be afraid of loosing a friendship because of sharing the gospel with them. I promise you that they will either accept the gospel or respect you more for sharing what you have grown to love so much.
I love you all and miss you so much. Thanks for your continued support and prayers. I going to try and read the Book of Mormon again before my birthday. (January 27Th) It would be awesome if any of you wanted to join me in this goal and share insights about what you read. Keep the faith, be strong, and know that God loves you, know that I love you. Elder Maxfield"
What is the role of a mother in a family?
12 years ago