So my goal was to keep this blog updated everytime we heard something new from Anthony. Well it has been over a year and a lot has happened since the last post. He has had several baptisms (not sure exactly how many total he has had.) He fell off a moving freight train and cut his head open and needed stitches above his eye. He doesn't remember what happened but he was told that he never lost consciousness and he cleaned himself up after the fall. He thinks that he passed out when he jumped off because he had been fasting for 18 hours for an investigator to stop smoking so that he could be baptized. The mission president said that jumping on and off of moving freight trains was not allowed. He has been made district leader and is worried that he won't be good at it. He complains all the time that his mission is going by too fast for him because he feels like he has more work then what he has time for. He is an amazing missionary! Here are some pictures that he send us for Christmas.

The tallest man in Chile

Sister that is like a second mom to him

One of his Baptisms

Hopefully there will be another post before he comes home in October!!